Book Review My Life On The Road
There was said enough about the bestseller by Gloria Steinem and truly the vast majority of the reviews had the positive shade. However, Gloria Steinem is the woman of multiply duties. She is the activist, the leader, and the writer, she is the person with the strong point of view, and the ground which she stands. Her story My Life on the Road is the autobiographical piece which makes it more possible to imagine the journey of self-realization, that have shaped the mind of Steinem.
The title of the book is selected because it perfectly summarizes both metaphorically and literally the life of the author. From the beginning, Steinem emphasizes the influence of the road, which is present in her life, “When people ask me why I still have hope and energy after all these years, I always say: Because I travel” (Steinem xix). She describes the type of the journey, distinguishing it from any other, and evaluating it for better understanding. Such approach to the writing and narrative, however, shows the strong self-determination of Steinem, her ability to make the statement and defend it. The further readings evaluate the experience of the author, introducing the reader to the personal and intimate world, describing the events that have influenced Steinem. The book offers not only the possibility to appreciate the personal journey, but also to emphasize the author, and relate with all of the events that have formed her personality. The book is the manual for people who is interested into the memoirs and the lessons that can be extracted from them.

I feel that I can really relate to her traveling experience, her constant traveling has gave her a wider worldview while at the same time made her a stronger person. I grew up in Taiwan, but also had the lucky opportunity to visit a lot of different places that gave me more perspective of the world. I admit that I am still on the path to become more of an activist and a leader like Steinem and I hope that one day I can achieve the extraordinary mentality that she possesses.


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