The Secret to Why Asians Don’t Age!



Shhh…. I am here to let you in a secret about what has been pass on to me for generations… So…. we’ve all heard about the myth where Asians don’t age, that they are secretly vampires from the east that scientists haven’t fully figured out yet. I mean that explains why they are constantly hiding from the sun and even when they do go to the beach they wear outfits like the one shown below.

I am here to tell you that we are not vampires but humans that have a long history of taking care of our skin giving an illusion as if we don’t age. People do not take care of their skin at a young age since their skin cells are still vibrant and continues to produce moisture, however, the moment they turn 30 or so they start to see wrinkles slowly emerging from their skin. I always imagine our skin and body as a vehicle, even if you are born as a Ferrari, without constant maintenance and refinery, you will slowly rust.

Most people want to be beautiful and attractive, remaining young as long as possible. And for this, it is necessary to take care of your appearance, especially about the skin of the face and neck. As a rule, there is already a need for meticulous care of the face. You can ask for help from professionals, and the cosmetologist will prescribe the necessary procedures for you and recommend the appropriate cosmetics for the skin care. If the skin is problematic or there are any defects on it, then this is the way to proceed. Owners of the normal skin, without significant age changes, can follow the procedures I recommend below, and hopefully with time, you will see significant changes to your skin becoming as soft as a baby butt.

First, in the care of your skin, it is necessary to properly cleanse the skin with cosmetic products depending on its type. Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and the activity of the sebaceous glands, which vary with age, several types of facial skin are distinguished: fatty, dry, normal, combined, and fading. At 30-35 years, age changes in the skin are still small; the subcutaneous fat layer is standard, the activity of the sebaceous glands can still be increased (Zouboulis 360). Despite this, in order to preserve the beauty and prolongation of youth, it is necessary to orient yourself in care for withering skin and choose cosmetology products with biologically active substances recommended for this age.

A problem type of skin can be distinguished separately - with a tendency to pimples and increased pigmentation (freckles from nature or after-birth spots). These phenomena are rare but occur at the age of 30 years. Care for mature skin includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, and protection from ultraviolet rays. There is no need to use all the cosmetics at once, 2-3 times is enough. For example, a moisturizing cream, possibly with invisible rays-protective factors, is applied in the morning after cleansing the skin (gel for washing or lotion) and wiping the face and neck with a tonic. In turn, a nourishing cream is applied in the evening after cleansing procedures, various masks, and compresses. It is recommended to use specially designed creams and gels to care for the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes.

The main problem considers the use of toner, lotions, and moisturizer. The misuse of the cosmetics can lead to the health concerns and adverse effect. The use of facial products depending on the type of skin and different factors. Toner is used for restoring the pH of face skin after washing. Face wash changes the balance, and skin becomes dry. Toner is a good choice for this care. Lotions are referred to medicines and preferable for daily care. In comparison, lotions treat or prevent skin diseases unlike to toner. Moisturizer is the best choice to soften dry skin, protect, and prevent it. The use of moisturizers depends on the type of skin. The mechanism of action differs from the mentioned products. It prevents the vaporizing effect, restores the surface of the skin, and supplies it with necessary materials. It is important to choose the product wisely because all these cosmetics have different mechanism and effects on the skin.
Furthermore, many cosmetic products for the care of skin include components such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, and tocopherol (vitamins A and E), plant extracts containing biologically active substances, glycerin, and transport substances (liposomes). Proper selection of skin care products is critical (Levin & Momin 1). Various cosmetic products are chosen depending on the age and skin type. For example, young skin is sufficient only for cleansing and moisturizing, and from the age of 30, it is already recommended to use toning and nutrients. All creams, masks, and other care products are selected depending on the type of skin (Rosen 19). Each type of skin has its own peculiarities, and proper care helps to eliminate the small defects (pigmentation, fine wrinkles) and negative manifestations (high-fat content, enlarged pores).

If in 20 years the skin is considered mature, then at 30 years old it may be fading if there is insufficient or poor quality care. A significant aging of the skin is often associated with the unhealthy lifestyle and chronic diseases, night work, and irrational nutrition. The withering skin is dry, covered with a mesh of wrinkles, which are initially shallow; the pigmented spots appear quite often. Even if this happened, do not despair. It is possible to improve the appearance and to suspend the further changes of a skin having reconsidered a way of life and started a daycare.
I know what the men who are reading this are thinking, why do I need to know all this or even care about my own skin? Trust me fellow men, you do not want to look like the return of the mummy by the time you turn 30 and come to this page for help when Tom Cruise is hunting you down. Take my advice, start with just the basics of cleaning your face and putting on some kind of moisturizer because it is easier to maintain a face rather than to recover a face.

All in all, keeping the skin in good condition depends in many ways on the correct choice of cosmetics. If, after applying a new remedy, the state of the skin has changed not for the better (there was irritation, dryness, or fatness), then it does not suit you. It is not worth it to save money on health and appearance; it is better to choose another, more suitable cosmetic. Beautiful skin is a luxury, and it needs to be protected.

                                                                       Works cited

Gimlin, Debra. "Cosmetic surgery: Beauty as commodity." Qualitative Sociology 23.1 (2000):       77-98.

Levin, Jacquelyn, and Saira B. Momin. "How much do we really know about our favorite             cosmeceutical ingredients?." The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 3.2 (2010).

Rosen, Christine. "The democratization of beauty." The New Atlantis 5 (2004): 19-35.

Zouboulis, Christos C. "Acne and sebaceous gland function." Clinics in dermatology 22.5             (2004): 360-366.


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